Valve inspection
Valve Inspection
Third-party valve inspection is normally arranged by the purchaser, and the representative from the third-party inspection agency. Usually, a list of documents is required to review by valve inspector, including:
- Purchase Order of the Valve
- Data Sheet of the Valve
- Manufacture Quality Control Plan
- Inspection and Test plan
- All Approved drawings
- Welding Specification Procedures(WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR).
- Required NDE Procedures like Dye Penetration, Magnetic Particle, Radiographic, Ultrasonic, PMI Testing, …
- Hydrostatic Testing Procedure of the valve to ensure leak tightness
- Valve Material Test Reports
- Valve NDE Personnel Qualifications Reports
- Heat Treatment Procedure of the Valve material.
- Calibration Certificates for Test Equipment
- Closure Testing Procedure, Backseat Testing Procedure, and Water Quality Document
- Preparation and Painting Procedure
- Preservation, Packing, and Shipping Procedure
- Packing List
Valve Material Inspection by Third Party
The original or authenticated copies of valve material mill certificates need to be available and provide to the inspector (TPI) with the factory. The inspector check these material certificates for compliance with design specifications or drawings. The review documents includes checking the documents below:
- Certificate No.
- Heat or cast No.
- Chemical composition.
- Mechanical properties.
- Heat-treated condition.
- NDE applied and results.
- Surface finish
Valve material includes the body stem material, shell material, valve trim materials, ball, wedge or flap materials, operating components, support material, gland materials, anti-friction materials, well end, flanges, and any other specified component material. Then the inspector witnesses the materials identification on the certificates against the materials marking specifications to be sure they are meet each others.
Upon completion of the valve material inspection by the third part inspector, he issues an inspection report (IR), that contains the following items:
- Confirmation of satisfactory document review
- Record of the endorsement of certification reviewed/witnessed
- Record of all non-conformities and objections
- Record of any tests witnessed and the result
- Record the photos during inspection